Saturday 12 November 2011

If Bo Peep was a person

If Bo Peep was a person she would drive a tatty little sportscar too fast. It would be covered in dings from her reckless driving.
Read my last blog: Bo Peep is a lamb with attitude. If she were human she would be ‘known by the police’. She would run red lights, shop lift and nick anything she fancied. She would be impossible to catch.
She would own the latest model cellphone and be really good at text messaging. “Grpvn & strb lvs xlnt” – Grapevine and strawberry leaves are excellent. “Hl 2m frm gt – tgt sqz” – A hole two metres from the gate – a tight squeeze.
After living quietly in the paddock below the house, she led a break out on the day after the last column was published. Could the publicity have gone to her head? We were about to go out when we found the lambs grazing in the section. The farmer said, “Leave them there, Kate (the dog) will scare them away.” Huh! Kate retired to her bed on the back terrace and when we got home Bo Peep and her mate, Stamp, had claimed the day bed; the two little lambs were also on the front terrace.
Tony, who looked after the farm while we were on holiday, and the farmer attempted fencing reinforcements armed with wire mesh, stakes, hammers, etc. A farmer and a professional fencer, they have stood back after each attempt and said things like: “They will never get out of there”, “That’ll fix them”, etc. A few hours later I have found the paddock empty and the lambs grazing the garden or the grape vine.
Bo Peep is always the ringleader and, as a result, the farmer sees rosemary and garlic in her future. The idea gives me indigestion. I’ve fed her for months and adore Bo Peep’s audacity. Little Stamp has been deknackered, so is a gentle creature who only gets out when he’s led by Bo Peep. And the two little girls can make themselves useful by having lambs year after year after year.
One this is for certain – there will be no pet lambs next year. Meanwhile – drive carefully. Bo Peep’s licence plate number is: BAA2U2.

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